Agile leadership is considered the modern miracle cure. Hardly any executive gets past this topic. Yet in many places this topic is nothing more than a buzzword. Unfortunately - because agile leadership is a valuable tool that can be acquired and applied by every manager.
What does agile leadership mean in the context of digital transformation? How does it change leadership responsibility and style? How can agile leadership competence be developed in everyday life? How do you become an agile leader driving transformation?
Puckett and Neubauer`s book provides answers to these questions. It looks beneath the surface and shows evidence-based which competencies and personality traits distinguish agile leaders, and how they can be acquired. This is complemented by the perspective of how agile leadership can be successfully implemented. Agile leadership must be authentic and connect. It all too often fails due to the existing environment or resistance from others. Pragmatically, the book shows how this resistance can be overcome and how the transformation of the organization can succeed.
This book is based on decades of work with leaders and organizations, and a scientifically substantiated behavior-oriented competency model.
It focuses on how learning agile leadership helps to use our existing strengths, competencies and experiences to become fit for the future.
“I consider this book a ‘Must Have’ for all current and future leaders.”
Michael Wade, Professor at IMD, Director of the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
Psychologist Dr. Stefanie Puckett is convinced that change always starts with the person and only achieves sustainability if it is tied to strengths and enables development. As senior consultant and executive coach she supports executives today to set themselves and their organization up for future success.
Psychologist Dr. Rainer Neubauer`s mission is to encourage executives, even in times of high pressure to change, not to lose their individuality, but to focus on it. As a senior consultant and speaker, he breaks up old patterns of thought with scientifically based theses and helps leaders to strengthen the company's success in the long term through right decisions.